In Vedic Astrology, Moola Nakshatra is the 19th of all 27 Nakshatra in
the zodiac. The Moola nakshatra ranges from 00°00' - 13°20' degrees in the sign
of Sagittarius. It is also the Gandmool Nakshatra because of its placement at
one of the Gandanta positions in the zodiac. Gandanta is the position that
represents an end and a starting point for both signs (Rashi) and (nakshatra).
Moola or Mula word itself narrates its meaning. The symbol for Mula
Nakshatra is the root and meaning of the word. Ancient astrological texts
address the meaning of Moola Nakshatra
as Roots (lion's tail) tied or bunched together.
Moola Nakshatra ideology
We know that the roots penetrate deep into the soil. Indian mythological
references associate roots with the unseen realm lying under the ground. Thus,
the Moola Nakshatra signifies getting into the deep meaning of
everything. Mula Nakshatra's secrets consist of going to the
roots of things. The Moola natives may adopt a scientific or philosophical
approach to finding deep and hidden meanings. It also signifies boundaries,
limits, rigidness, or bondage. The traits can be well understood regarding the
symbol of bounded roots.
Ketu is the lord of the Moola nakshatra, and the ruling deity is
Nirriti, the goddess of removing evils. Scholars state the goddess Nirriti is a
form of Alakshmi, the goddess of calamities, misfortunes, and miseries. She is
the sister of Goddess Lakshmi. Nirriti goddess thus gives material deprivation
and lack of prosperity after it is attained. Since Nirriti also signifies
reversal, bondage, obstructions, delays, and losses, Mula Nakshatra shows the
same traits and harm due to borrowing and lending activities. This is
considered bad in astrology to lend or borrow during the Monn transits through
the Moola Nakshatra Kundli. The debt may
not come back or cause worry and disturbance in life.
The Moola Nakshatra also signifies unseen things causing miseries, like
invisible germs that still cause diseases. Roots are the beginnings,
foundations, resources, and Moola nakshatra rules. Ancient and even modern
times, the roots are used for medicinal purposes. This nakshatra also shows an
association with medicines.
Mula Nakshatra's marriage life
Before we understand the married life of the Moola natives, it is
essential to understand their basic traits. Marriage is an institution that is
highly affected and dependent on the personality and mental traits of the
partners Kundli
Matching .It is by understanding
their essential traits we can predict their married life.
The Moola nakshatra natives uproot things easily that cease to be
important to them. As an impatient and impulsive nakshatra, the Moola natives
often regret their decisions and actions. If Jupiter is in harmony with the
Moola nakshatra in the birth chart, the person reaches the apex of success.
Vedic Astrology says that the drive for individuality begins in Ashwini
Nakshatra, grows in Magha
Nakshatra, and ends in Moola Nakshatra. It exceeds the limitations of
ego, arrogance, and selfishness. Sometimes, the natives don't understand their
potential in arrogance and ignorance. The influence of Ketu makes the natives
negative and dreadful.
The Moola nakshatra natives have their values, rules, and
self-fulfillment. These natives are physically strong, proud, ambitious,
god-fearing, and highly opinionated. They are probing into nature and exploring
the depths of everything they encounter. The downside of Moola nakshatra
involves that they are highly unpredictable, rigid, wrathful, decisive, and
The Moola Nakshatra love marriage may fail as they tend
to get cheated by their love partners. The Moola natives show great commitment
in their love relationship, but their love partners may not show the same
dedication. Your expectations in your love life remain unfulfilled.
Moola Nakshatra males are stubborn,
passionate, knowledgeable, and trustworthy for their life partners. Moola
Nakshatra male married life is good as they get a partner compatible with them.
Due to their suspicious and curious nature, the male natives may not support
their partner in all endeavors. The life
partner should have a good understanding and patience to tackle Moola
natives. Moola Nakshatra's male marriage age is usually 27-35 years. The Moola
nakshatra male natives hardly get any benefits from their parents and are
usually self-made men. They enjoy a fairly good conjugal life for their bold
and reliable nature. The wife usually has all the noble and sober qualities.
The wife can be fun-loving and show a great sense of responsibility at the same
time. The Moola natives enjoy a much more stable married
life than a love life.
Best and Worst Matches for Moola
Nakshatra natives
According to nakshatra compatibility, Moola nakshatra has following
relations with other nakshatras:
The best matches for Moola nakshatra - Ardra, Bharani, Purva Phalguni,
Hasta, Purva Ashadha, Shatabhisha, and Shravana. As per Revathi
Nakshatra Astrology, the Revathi Nakshatras boys are the real soul
mates of Moola natives.
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